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What are the advantages of forced convection tempering furnace?

forced convection tempering furnace is a type of heat treatment equipment used primarily for tempering glass. The process of tempering involves heating the glass to a specific temperature and then rapidly cooling it, which increases its strength and resistance to thermal stress.Forced convection tempering furnaces offer several advantages over traditional tempering methods. 

Advantages of Forced Convection Tempering Furnace

Forced convection tempering furnaces

Uniform Temperature Distribution: Forced convection ensures that heat is evenly distributed throughout the furnace chamber. This leads to more uniform tempering, reducing the risk of uneven hardness or strength in the material being treated.

Faster Heating and Cooling: The active circulation of air or another medium accelerates the heating and cooling processes. This results in shorter cycle times, increasing production efficiency.

Energy Efficiency: Due to the improved heat transfer rates, forced convection furnaces often require less energy to achieve the desired temperature profile, leading to lower operating costs.


For more detailed information about the advantages of forced convection tempering furnaces, please visit: https://www.shencglass.com/en/a/news/forced-convection-tempering-furnace-advantages.html

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