Nanchang Road and Binhe North Road Overpass

Project Cases

Nanchang Road and Binhe North Road Overpass

Project Name:Nanchang Road and Binhe North Road Overpass

Structure:Single Box Four-chamber Steel Box Girder

Total Steel Consumption:4500T

Nanchang Road and Binhe North Road Overpass

The project is located in Jianxi District of Luoyang City. The interchange project includes the underpass tunnel of Nanchang Road and the directional left-turn ramp of Binhe Road.The design starting point of the road part of Nanchang Road is Zhoushan Road, south to Xiyuan Bridge, with a total length of 1380.875m.

Nanchang Road and Binhe North Road Overpass

The design starting point of Binhe Road is Furong Road. The length of the retaining wall at the entrance of the bridge is 163m, the length of the bridge is 942m and the length of the retaining wall at the exit is 128M. The directional left-turn ramp of Binhe Road is 408.1m long and the retaining wall is 104.157m long.
